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College Festival Recruitment Drive

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Hello friends, 

College Festival is back!! Want to be part of us? Come and join us by attending the recruitment drive which will hold on Thursday. Appended below are the details of the function: 

Date: 18th December 2008 (Thursday) 
Time: 8.00 pm 
Venue: XR1002 

The recruitment is open to all of MMU students. For those who wrote down your name during the recruitment on 9 & 10 of December, you are request to attend this function. Should you have any doubts or changes, please do not hesitate to contact: 

Teresa Tiong Ing Yien 


Chai Sim Por 

Thank you. 


College Festival 0809

Closing of HB2 Food Court

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Please be informed that one of the HB2 food court is close till next week due to unforeseen circumstances.

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best regards,

Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.

College Festival Recruitment Drive


Good day to all MMU students,

Heard of College Festival before? The College Festival (CF) is an annual event that is organized by Student Welfare and Development (SWAD) bureau of Student Representative Council (SRC) together with the hostel committee from the Multimedia University, Cyberjaya Campus. It is the only event which brings together almost all the hostel residents in the university.

This program is a celebration of MMU's richness of multiethnic hostel residents and also gives a great opportunity for new students to have a sense of belonging and feel connected. Another important aspect of the College Festival is to educate MMU students and staff about safety awareness and having a health lifestyle through sports that will be conducted throughout this event. Besides that, the hostel residents can also enjoy different kind of local and international foods during this event where it will be sold by the vendors.

Now, we are opening a booth in CENTRAL PLAZA from 10am to 4pm to recruit students to be part of our family either you are a hostel resident or not. Therefore, why are you waiting for? Do grab this opportunity and join this great event. See you there :)
Thank you.

Should you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact :

Teresa Tiong

Chai Sim Por

or email us at swad.src@gmail.com

Best regards,

College Festival 2008/2009

Interfaculty Games 2008


Dear fellow students,

Sport & Recreational (SAR) from Student Representative Council (SRC) will be organizing Interfaculty Games 2008. There are 10 games will be held within week 5 & 6.

- Tennis (12/12/2008)
- Rugby (13/12/2008)
- Chess (13/12/2008)
- Table Tennis (13/12/2008)
- Volleyball (15/12/2008)
- Basketball (15/12/2008 - 17/12/2008)
- Hockey (16/12/2008)
- Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi (19/12/2008)
- Archery (19/12/2008)
- Badminton (20/12/2008)
- Football (21/122008 - 22/12/2008)

For those who are interested, you can fill in the form and send to akmal.srcyber@yahoo.com. You can also just visit our booth at central plaza.

SAP point will be given to the participants.

Thanks for your cooperation.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best Regards,

Sport And Recreational (SAR)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

MMU Awards 2009


Greetings and a very a good day.

Holaaa students of MMU, Cyberjaya,

MMU Awards is back to Cyber.

So, grab this chance in becoming one of the committees of this tremendous and prestigious night of fame.

There are still few seats to be filled in. Why wait? Apply now or regret later.

Lets us celebrate together this huge event of the year.

If you are interested to join our family, feel free to download the form (here) and submit it to src0809@gmail.com before 12th December 2008, Friday, 6.00pm.

Your interest towards the event, will be a huge impact to MMU Awards itself.

If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact:

Wan Nurul Azmina Wan Azmi

Siti Nurkhadijah Zainal Abidin

Thank you.

Best Regards,

MMU Awards 2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

New Barring Criteria

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The new barring criteria would be as follow:

1) 30% of total course work marks (means student need to achieve more than 12 marks out of 40 marks) and

2) 50% of attendance (means student need to achieve at least 50% attendance in lecture, tutorial and lab classes)

Reasons given:
The new policy in barring is to acknowledge those students who can study on their own without going to lecture. But, students are encouraged to attend the lecture. Students have to take full responsibilities in their studies.

If you have any inquiries you may contact us at:

Muhamad Solehin B Kamaruzaman
019 – 365 7068

Leong Chia How
016 – 5383770 / 017 – 5975738

or email us at acac.src@gmail.com

Thank you.

Take care and wish you all have a nice day.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best regards,

Academic and Career (ACAC)
Student Respresentative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.

Food court operating hours and Food price


Dear Students,

Please refer to this link (http://bulletin.mmu.edu.my/v3/view/bulletin_main.mmu?s=59490&by=today) for the latest operating hour of the food court. Besides that, there is also an attachment on the latest reviewed food price. Should you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to email us at swad.src@gmail.com .

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best regards,

Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.

Attention to all Female hostel residents


Dear female hostel residents,

Please be informed that starting from next week, maintenance will be done by main contractors with the assistance from Resident Unit staffs in female block hostel. Should you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to email us at swad.src@gmail.com

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best regards,

Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.

Bulletin Board Policy



1) All clubs and societies are required to send in their announcement to bulletin.src@gmail.com latest before 8am every morning.

2) Every announcement will be uploaded before 11 am every morning.

3) If there is a missing announcement please do contact Ash in yahoo messenger, ashni86, and we will try our level best to upload your announcement before noon.

4) The format for subject that is required for all clubs and societies to send in their announcement is as below:-

“ [club] :: [subject] ”

Please do only follow this format and not any other format. This is to make our work easier and all announcements can be uploaded faster without any hassle for us.

5) Please do make sure all announcements are correct grammatically and also spelling.

6) Clubs and societies that want to post in bulletin board for a certain period, you have to post in your announcement to our gmail everyday till the day the event finishes. This is to ensure Information and Promotion (IAP) won’t loose our track of your announcements and cause dissatisfactory.

7) Every announcement of clubs and societies that is related to opening booth or organizing seminars, have to go through CSSA (Clubs, Societies and Students' Activities) and all the formalities before sending in announcement in the bulletin board.

8) For event that collaborates clubs and societies in MMU Cyber with organizations outside MMU Cyber has to restate to us in your message to bulletin board about the collaboration.

9) For students who are active with organizations outside MMU Cyber and wants to promote outside event, make sure you have the permission from STAD or Business Unit before you send in your announcement to bulletin board.

10) We will only upload the announcements in the bulletin board for 5 working days excluding public holidays and semester break.

11) If all clubs, societies and students of MMU Cyber do not follow on this policy, the announcement in the bulletin board will not be published.

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best Regards,

Information and Promotion (IAP)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

Operating hours for SRC Room


Greetings and a very good day.

We would like to inform that the operating hours for SRC Room, Cyberjaya is as follows:

Day: Monday to Friday
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Lunch break: 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm

Please be informed. Your time and consideration for the above matter is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"


Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

SWAD Complaint Form


Greetings and a very good day.

Student Welfare and Development (SWAD) bereau of SRC Cyberjaya has uploaded the SWAD complaint form under the Complain Form section on the right panel of this blog. Any complaint form that has been filled by the students should either be sent straight to SRC room or to our email; swad.src@gmail.com.

Policies :

1. All complaints will be solved in 5 academic days.

One Day : Complaints are being issued
One Day : Investigation is being carried out by SWAD exco
Three Days : Problem in solving progress

2. Any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact any of the below SWAD exco.

Teresa Tiong
012–874 6566

Chai Sim Por
013-624 8386

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"


Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

Operating hour of Foodcourts


Greetings and a very good day.

Dear students,

After received number of complaints regarding the inconsistency operation hour and opening day of the business premise in the campus, Student Representative Council (SRC) Cyberjaya Campus had approach Business Unit to seek for explanation. The details are appended below:

Operation hour of the business premises





7.00 am

12.00 pm


7.00 am

12.00 pm


7.00 am

12.00 pm


7.00 am

12.00 pm

Tau Café

7.00 am

12.00 pm

FCM Café

7.00 am

12.00 pm

STC Café

7.00 am

12.00 pm

Centre Food Court (CFC)

10.00 am

6.00 pm

FIT Food court

10.00 am

10.00 pm

MMU Medical Centre

10.00 am

10.00 pm

Opening day of the premise during weekend
















Tau Café



FCM Café



STC Café



Centre Food Court (CFC)



FIT Food court



MMU Medical Centre

10.00 am

1.00 pm

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"


Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

President of all Clubs and Societies


Greetings and a very good day.

There have been a number of new clubs and societies, so for new clubs and societies please add yourself in the president council yahoo group and update your information in the database area at:

Secondly, for all members of the president council in our yahoo group, please check the yahoo group for the new updates which has just been posted up.

Last but not least this is the details of our president council photo shoot session:

Date: 19th November 2008 (Wednesday)
Time: 8pm
Venue: SRC Room

Please check the yahoo group this weekend for updates of slots of your photo shoot.

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"


Clubs, Societies and Student Activities (CSSA)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

Official Name for SRC Cyber


Greetings and a very good day.

We would like to inform that effecting from 13th November 2008, we are going to use STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL for our official name and as to represent the student body's name.

Thus, to make things more clearer and to clarify why are we using STUDENT instead of STUDENTS', details explanation are as follows:

1. Student Representative Council - means, it refers to the body/organization itself, it is well understood that it is a body run by student, own by student and it’s about student. A big organization does not use any punctuation in their company names. It will look awkward if there is any. Example: Lucas Film Ltd not Lucas’ Film Ltd. In essays, it is acceptable.

In fact here in Cyber, it’s been used from the beginning of MMU in Cyberjaya (past 10 years); meaning, it’s a tradition that should be preserved. The tradition is important. It resembles the unique identity as well as the continuity from the previous councils. Mr. Zamzuri agreed for SRC to remain fixed with Student Representative Council.

2. Students’ Representative Council – explanation :: it refers to who owns the organization. If we are discussing about grammar-wise, yes, this one is the correct one. But this is used in writing or essays preferably. But again, this is also can be used in an organization. Yet, it is not a tradition here in Cyberjaya.

3. Student Representatives Council – explanation :: the letter ‘s’ at the word representatives shows that or referring to the number of people it the organization. For instance, SRC cyberjaya = 22 representatives. This one also correct and there’s nothing wrong with it. It is just that we do not use it here in Cyberjaya. 

All of the above mentioned words are correct and can be used.  But our choice is Student Representative Council.

Even in the past, both respected universities like Cambridge and Oxford also using Student Representative Council. Here some of the quotations taken from the internet.

The University of Oxford's nascent students' union emerged in the 13th century. Student leaders attempted to mediate the violent clashes between "nations" at the University. Southern English, northern English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish students would frequently battle against one another, with fatalities recorded as early as 1260.

Despite this ancient pedigree, the University of Oxford's governing council resisted formally recognising Oxford's university-wide student estate for some 750 years, although JCRs and MCRs came to be recognised in their respective colleges during the 19th century.

In 1961, the University Proctors banned the student magazine 'Isis' from publishing reviews of lectures. Students resisted, and legally incorporated the Oxford University Student Representative Council (OUSRC) for the first time. They then agitated for formal university recognition of the OUSRC, and petitioned the United Kingdom's Privy Council, asking the government to amend the Oxford and Cambridge Universities Act. Rather than risk having its hand forced by legislation, the University relented, and formally recognised the OUSRC in 1970.

The OUSRC adopted its contemporary constitution in 1974, changing its name to the Oxford University Student Union.

Quoted from: http://www.cusu.cam.ac.uk/union/history/

In 1964, the Student Representative Council (SRC) was set up, containing one representative for each of the JCRs, which by that time had become the recipients of funds instead of the Amal Clubs. In 1969 this became the Student Representative Assembly (1969) with a greater number of representatives. In 1970, its name changed to the Cambridge Student Union (CSU). In 1975, the CSU successfully obtained representation on the University Council. The creation of a 'working relationship' was put to the University's Student Matters Committee in 1979, which was then formally established in 1980.

Student Representative Council:

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"


Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya

Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin

Assalammualaikum and good day to all MMU Cyberjaya students

SRC MMU Cyberjaya would like to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. We hope that everyone will have a great time with their families in their respective hometown. Drive safely for those who will be taking the driver's seat, enjoy the time with friends and attend open houses around KL and Putrajaya for those who are staying in campus and we are looking forward for a glorious start for our final examination next week. Enjoy this festive season and all the best with final exam.

Students' Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University Cyberjaya Campus

STAD Staff on duty during Hari Raya/Eid Break

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Assalamuaalaikum/Good Day,

Dear student,

Kindly take note that the following staff will be on duty during Hari Raya/Eid break:

Date: 26 - 30th September 2008

1 En. Mohd Faizal Md So’od 013-6226156
2 Pn. Suzudiana Zulkefli 013-3912526

Date: 1 - 2 October 2008

1 En. Joharie Mukhtar 013-6226156
2 Cik Suliza Ajohan 013-3912526

Date: 3 -5 Oktober 2008

1 En. Mohd Zakki Zahri 013-6226156
2 Pn. Suharti Md Den 013-3912526

Kindly be reminded to shut off all your electrical appliances and ensure that your room is locked before you left. Please do not leave any expensive item inside the room including lap top, handphone etc.

Thank you for your kind cooperation and we wish all Selamat Hari Raya. Have a safe journey back home. 

HB2 Water Supply Interruption

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Dear Students/HB2 community,

Please be informed that there will be an interruption of water supply at HB2 block due to maintenance works. A contractor are trying thier best to solve the problem as soon as possible. Herewith the details of the maintenance work:

Location : HB2 .
Date : 25th to 26th September 2008 (Thursday & Friday)
Time : 10am to 5.00 pm (two days)

Any inconvenience caused is very much regretted. 

TQM for Managers for Trimester 2

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Haliesa Aliesha: ppl, sorry for the mass msging but i'd appreciate it if u could help spread d words around.

Dear all,

I was informed that if we could submit 15 names of final year FOM students who are interested to take TQM for Managers before 30th Sept, the subject will be offered in Trimester 2 instead of Trimester 3. This is a good thing because it means that we wont have to take 7 subjects in Trimester 3. 

Pls spread the words as we need at least another 2 names. Email the full name and student ID to maidofaphrodite@gmail.com by 25th Sept. I apologize for the short noticed. Pls help forward. Thanks~

New Update: Power Shutdown at Cyberjaya Campus (Re-Scheduled)

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Salam & Greetings to all,

Please be informed that the date for power shutdown at all building due to maintenance of TNB Main Intake & Sub-station at MMU Cyberjaya Campus has been re-scheduled to the other date. Herewith the details of the maintenance work & the new work schedule for your references:

Date : 25 OCTOBER 2008.
Location* : Sports Complex / FCM / All Hostel Block / EAB / Mosque
Day : Saturday
Time : 8.00am to 1.00pm
Contractor : Kejuruteraan Kuasa Bumi

Date : 25 OCTOBER 2008.
Location* : EAA 1 & 2 / STC / Guard House / FOE / Library / CLC / TAU Café / CIMB
Day : Saturday
Time : 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Contractor : Kejuruteraan Kuasa Bumi

Date : 26 OCTOBER 2008
Location : Whole Campus
Day : Sunday
Time : 8.00am to 4.00pm
Contractor : Kejuruteraan Kuasa Bumi

If there any query pertaining this matter, kindly contact 03-83129964 / 5965 or 013-6135117

Any inconvenience caused is very much regretted.

First President Council Meeting


Clubs,Societies and Student Activities (CSSA) of the Students' Representative Council MMU Cyberjaya 2008/2009 will be conducting the first President Council Meeting. The details are as mentioned below:

Date : 16th September 2008
Time : 9pm
Venue : XR1003

Any inquiries please contact:
TEH LIANG SOON (016-5572307)
TSHEPISO (017-6117668)

MMU Intercampus Sport has been postponed


Dear Friends,

We would like to inform all of you that MMU Intercampus Sport has been postponed to end of this year due to some circumstances. This decision was made mainly by both STAD Cyberjaya and also Melaka. Please be informed.

Thank You

Solidarity Responsibility Credibility


Sports & Recreational Exco (SAR)
Students' Representative Council 0809
Cyberjaya Campus

Attention to students under MARA sponsorship


Salam and greetings,

For those students sponsored by MARA who have not get the monthly allowance cheque for the month of September, kindly send the following details to acac.src@gmail.com as soon as possible. We are following up with the problem.

Student ID:
IC No:
Contact No:
Amount of allowance:

Thanks for the cooperation.

Solidarity Responsibility Credibility

Academic & Career Exco (ACAC)
Students' Representative Council 0809
Cyberjaya Campus

Power Shutdown at Cyberjaya Campus

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Assalamualaikum & Good Day to all,

Please be inform that there will be a power shutdown at all building due to maintenance of TNB Main Intake & Sub-station at MMU Cyberjaya Campus. Herewith the details of the maintenance work & the schedule of the work for your references:


Date : 20 SEPTEMBER 2008.
Location* : All Hostel Block (HB1, HB2, HB3, HB4)
Day : Saturday
Time : 8.00am to 1.00pm
Contractor : Kejuruteraan Kuasa Bumi


Date : 21 SEPTEMBER 2008.
Location : Whole Campus
Day : Sunday
Time : 8.00am to 5.00pm
Contractor : Kejuruteraan Kuasa Bumi

Note: * Not listed buildings maybe will also be affected.

If there any query pertaining this matter, kindly contact 03-83129964 / 5965 or 013-6135117

Any inconvenience caused is very much regretted.

Solidarity Responsibility Credibility


Students' Representative Council 08/09
Cyberjaya Campus

Operation of MMU Sports Complex


Assalamualaikum and good day,

Dear All,

MMU Sports Complex is ready for operation. Swimming Pool Tickets will be sold at the Security Office, 1st Floor, IPS Buliding.

Indoor Sports Centre Schedule

* Indoor Sports Centre is a multipurpose hall and not for badminton only.








12.00pm – 05.00 pm

Male only

05.00pm – 10.00pm

Female only


12.00pm – 05.00 pm

Female only

05.00pm – 10.00pm

Male only


12.00pm – 05.00 pm

Male only

05.00pm – 10.00pm

Female only


12.00pm – 05.00 pm

Female only

05.00pm – 10.00pm

Male only


12.00pm – 05.00 pm

Female only

05.00pm – 10.00pm

Male only



Student : RM 1 per session

Staff : RM 2 per session

Guest : RM 3 per session

Swimming pool schedule

* If the pool is used for tournament, announcement will be made three days ahead.

Further enquires,do not hesitate to contact :

Wan Mahmud Syazwan Wan Hashim (019-9871229)
Khairul Akmal Bin Badron (013-2041720)

or directly contact:

Sports Unit

Solidarity Responsibility Credibility

Sports & Recreational (SAR)
Students' Representative Council 08/09
Cyberjaya Campus