Food court operating hours and Food price
Dear Students,
Please refer to this link ( for the latest operating hour of the food court. Besides that, there is also an attachment on the latest reviewed food price. Should you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to email us at .
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Best regards,
Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 0 Comments
Attention to all Female hostel residents
Dear female hostel residents,
Please be informed that starting from next week, maintenance will be done by main contractors with the assistance from Resident Unit staffs in female block hostel. Should you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to email us at
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Best regards,
Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 0 Comments
Bulletin Board Policy
2) Every announcement will be uploaded before 11 am every morning.
3) If there is a missing announcement please do contact Ash in yahoo messenger, ashni86, and we will try our level best to upload your announcement before noon.
4) The format for subject that is required for all clubs and societies to send in their announcement is as below:-
“ [club] :: [subject] ”
Please do only follow this format and not any other format. This is to make our work easier and all announcements can be uploaded faster without any hassle for us.
5) Please do make sure all announcements are correct grammatically and also spelling.
6) Clubs and societies that want to post in bulletin board for a certain period, you have to post in your announcement to our gmail everyday till the day the event finishes. This is to ensure Information and Promotion (IAP) won’t loose our track of your announcements and cause dissatisfactory.
7) Every announcement of clubs and societies that is related to opening booth or organizing seminars, have to go through CSSA (Clubs, Societies and Students' Activities) and all the formalities before sending in announcement in the bulletin board.
8) For event that collaborates clubs and societies in MMU Cyber with organizations outside MMU Cyber has to restate to us in your message to bulletin board about the collaboration.
9) For students who are active with organizations outside MMU Cyber and wants to promote outside event, make sure you have the permission from STAD or Business Unit before you send in your announcement to bulletin board.
10) We will only upload the announcements in the bulletin board for 5 working days excluding public holidays and semester break.
11) If all clubs, societies and students of MMU Cyber do not follow on this policy, the announcement in the bulletin board will not be published.
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Best Regards,
Information and Promotion (IAP)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
Friday, November 21, 2008 | 0 Comments
Operating hours for SRC Room
Greetings and a very good day.
We would like to inform that the operating hours for SRC Room, Cyberjaya is as follows:
Day: Monday to Friday
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Lunch break: 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm
Please be informed. Your time and consideration for the above matter is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
Monday, November 17, 2008 | 0 Comments
SWAD Complaint Form
Greetings and a very good day.
Student Welfare and Development (SWAD) bereau of SRC Cyberjaya has uploaded the SWAD complaint form under the Complain Form section on the right panel of this blog. Any complaint form that has been filled by the students should either be sent straight to SRC room or to our email;
Policies :
1. All complaints will be solved in 5 academic days.
One Day : Complaints are being issued
One Day : Investigation is being carried out by SWAD exco
Three Days : Problem in solving progress
2. Any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact any of the below SWAD exco.
Teresa Tiong
012–874 6566
Chai Sim Por
013-624 8386
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 0 Comments
Operating hour of Foodcourts
Greetings and a very good day.
Dear students,
After received number of complaints regarding the inconsistency operation hour and opening day of the business premise in the campus, Student Representative Council (SRC) Cyberjaya Campus had approach Business Unit to seek for explanation. The details are appended below:
Operation hour of the business premises
Block | Open | Close |
HB1 | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
HB2 | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
HB3 | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
HB4 | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
Tau Café | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
FCM Café | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
STC Café | 7.00 am | 12.00 pm |
Centre | 10.00 am | 6.00 pm |
FIT Food court | 10.00 am | 10.00 pm |
MMU Medical Centre | 10.00 am | 10.00 pm |
Opening day of the premise during weekend
Block | Saturday | Sunday |
HB1 | Open | Close |
HB2 | Close | Open |
HB3 | Open | Close |
HB4 | Close | Open |
Tau Café | Close | Close |
FCM Café | Close | Open-MBA |
STC Café | Close | Close |
Centre | Close | Close |
FIT Food court | Close | Close |
MMU Medical Centre | 10.00 am | 1.00 pm |
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Student Welfare and Development (SWAD)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 0 Comments
President of all Clubs and Societies
Greetings and a very good day.
Last but not least this is the details of our president council photo shoot session:
Date: 19th November 2008 (Wednesday)
Time: 8pm
Venue: SRC Room
Please check the yahoo group this weekend for updates of slots of your photo shoot.
Thank you.
"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"
Clubs, Societies and Student Activities (CSSA)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 0 Comments
Official Name for SRC Cyber
Despite this ancient pedigree, the
In 1961, the University Proctors banned the student magazine 'Isis' from publishing reviews of lectures. Students resisted, and legally incorporated the Oxford University Student Representative Council (OUSRC) for the first time. They then agitated for formal university recognition of the OUSRC, and petitioned the United Kingdom's Privy Council, asking the government to amend the
The OUSRC adopted its contemporary constitution in 1974, changing its name to the Oxford University Student Union.
Quoted from:
In 1964, the Student Representative Council (SRC) was set up, containing one representative for each of the JCRs, which by that time had become the recipients of funds instead of the Amal Clubs. In 1969 this became the Student Representative Assembly (1969) with a greater number of representatives. In 1970, its name changed to the
Student Representative Council:
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia - Student Representative Council
- Students Representative Council
- Welcome to UiTM - Student Representative Council
- College of St Hild & St Bede : Student Representative Council (SRC) - Durham University
- Carnegie College | Guidance Available | Student Representative Council I Scotland
- Student Representative Council | Facebook
- student representative council » student services » Hereford Sixth Form College
- St Columb's College - Student Representative Council Elections
- Dunfermline College of Physical Education Student Representative Council
- Oxford University Student Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- /union/history/
- MPP Universiti Tenaga Nasional
- MPPUTP | Inspiring Perspectives
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 0 Comments