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Bulletin Board Policy



1) All clubs and societies are required to send in their announcement to bulletin.src@gmail.com latest before 8am every morning.

2) Every announcement will be uploaded before 11 am every morning.

3) If there is a missing announcement please do contact Ash in yahoo messenger, ashni86, and we will try our level best to upload your announcement before noon.

4) The format for subject that is required for all clubs and societies to send in their announcement is as below:-

“ [club] :: [subject] ”

Please do only follow this format and not any other format. This is to make our work easier and all announcements can be uploaded faster without any hassle for us.

5) Please do make sure all announcements are correct grammatically and also spelling.

6) Clubs and societies that want to post in bulletin board for a certain period, you have to post in your announcement to our gmail everyday till the day the event finishes. This is to ensure Information and Promotion (IAP) won’t loose our track of your announcements and cause dissatisfactory.

7) Every announcement of clubs and societies that is related to opening booth or organizing seminars, have to go through CSSA (Clubs, Societies and Students' Activities) and all the formalities before sending in announcement in the bulletin board.

8) For event that collaborates clubs and societies in MMU Cyber with organizations outside MMU Cyber has to restate to us in your message to bulletin board about the collaboration.

9) For students who are active with organizations outside MMU Cyber and wants to promote outside event, make sure you have the permission from STAD or Business Unit before you send in your announcement to bulletin board.

10) We will only upload the announcements in the bulletin board for 5 working days excluding public holidays and semester break.

11) If all clubs, societies and students of MMU Cyber do not follow on this policy, the announcement in the bulletin board will not be published.

Thank you.

"Solidarity, Responsibility, Credibility"

Best Regards,

Information and Promotion (IAP)
Student Representative Council 2008/2009
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya


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